31 decembre 2006 Paris
Freak & Chic
Pour la sixième fois TRANCEBODY EXPRESS et GAIA
CONCEPT se joignent pour passer ensemble la nouvelle
année. FREAK'NCHIC nous propose un panel d'artistes
variés et confirmés:
TERRAFORMERS: David et Stéphane (co-fondateur de TOTAL
ECLIPSE), plus de 20 ans d'expérience sur la scène
électronique et transe (BRILLANT-KLF-JUNO REACTOR)
nouveau projet résolument Psy Night, maîtrise
parfaitement claviers et potards et ne cesse de
surprendre par sa capacité de renouvellement.
Actuellement chez TIP World.
OFORIA: Fer de lance du label Israélien BNE. Grosse
artillerie pour les amateurs de full on, présent
depuis plus de dix ans sur tous les continents,
incontournable des plus gros festivals. Dernier album:
Inner Twist.
To most psytrance fans, Ofer Dikovsky needs no
introduction. One of Israel's longest standing
psytrance artists, he has been active in the trance
scene since its early days and is responsible for
creating a new vibe for Israeli sound. For those less
familiar with Ofer's musical background, he was a
member of the legendary Goa-trance band Indoor with
Avi Algranati and Marco Goren. Their album
"Progressive Trance", released in 1995, was one of the
first in the wave of trance-artist albums.
Oforia Oforia Oforia Oforia
Ofer (and "Indoor") also formed the Phreaky project
together with DJ Dino Psaras. This project was
responsible for the massive hit "Tornado" (1997). It
was the first time that an Israeli piece got into the
UK indie-charts and climbed up to no. 23.
Together with Marco, Ofer formed Tandu, another
mythological band that made its mark by "almost" being
signed to the prestigious Blue Room label! They were
specially taken to London to make the record but in
the end "Multimoods” was released in Israel by
Phonokol (1997).
After a few years of intense activity, the Indoor
members parted company, and the world of psytrance
gained two artists: Avi became Space Cat and Ofer
became... OFORIA.
Ofer began working as a solo artist under various
names. Starting with Oforia, he was one of the first
Israeli artists to be signed to a leading UK label -
Dragonfly - and the result was his debut album
"Delirious" (1998), a bestseller album that
established Ofer's unique sound and brought him
worldwide fame.
It did not take long for DJ Dino Psaras, now manager
of the English label Atomic Records, to come knocking
on Ofer's door once again. The result was the smashing
single "Out There / Extra Mundane" under the guise of
"Solaris" (1998). This 12" was played & licensed to
compilations all around the world.
After this taste of global interest, Ofer made a
switch and began working with Israeli labels again. He
released a track - "Illuminated" - on one of Israel's
pioneering trance compilations - "Trance Mix" (1998)
under the name Comet. He then made an even stronger
"comeback" by releasing a full length concept album
under the name "Pigs In Space" (1998). This album was
pure dance floor mayhem, on par with the strong,
metallic, full-on style that took over the world at
that time!
In 1999, Oforia released its second album "Off The
Ground", a high quality album featuring various styles
of trance - psychedelic, progressive, ambient and even
a bit of industrial. This album was considered by many
as "ahead of its time". Due to major demand today, it
is now being re-pressed and distributed by BNE/YoYo
Along the way, Ofer remixed world famous artists -
Pink Floyd, Man With No Name, Astral Projection and
Tim Schuldt - and released tracks on compilations of
different labels - Atomic, 3D vision, T.I.P world,
Nova Tekk, BNE, HOMmega, Phonokol, M.D.M.A, Bionics.
After two years of silence, BNE/YoYo Records released
Oforia's most recent studio album "Headed For
Infinity" in early 2005, and as the title implies,
this masterpiece is aimed straight to the heart of its
listener. Ofer took his time to produce a new breed of
sound & style. The tracks have a distinctive ring and
characteristic feel that seem to carry his message.
Ofer has toured everywhere promoting "Headed For
Infinity", headlining massive events such as
Antiworld's famous SE1 raves and Brazil's
XXXexperience raves.
In between flights, he spends a great amount of time
in his studio, where he has just completed some
monstrous tracks that promise to take fans to an even
higher level. Dosage to the masses we say...
BAMBOO FOREST: Produit depuis peu par le label Italien
NEUROBIOTIC et également présent depuis plus de dix
ans sue la scène Trance. Ils allient un style
«Progressive» très engagé et une orientation «Dance
Floor» très pointue. Dernier album: Revival.
Bamboo Forest
(Yann Hénaff) & Stéphane Dureisseix
LIFE EXTENSION: Olive et Stenman, DJ's bien connus de
la scène Trance Française, nous présenteront leur
nouveau Live,musique Morning d'une élaboration sans
faille au tempo enlevé,un moment inoubliable pour les
amateurs de chevauchées trilliques du petit matin.
Voilà donc quatre Lives qu'il ne vous reste plus qu'à
découvrir en notre compagnie.
L'élément féminin indispensable sera représenté par
SIDNEY que certains connaissent sous le pseudo
TRINITY, égérie du label BODY & MIND, grâce et
efficacité derrière les platines, parfaitement calée,
suprême et désinvolte.
Pour cet évènement, une salle inédite aux portes de
Paris accessible en RER (500m),grand confort, plus de
10m sous plafond,double mezzanine,tentures et
Et pour animer tout cela ARKHAN vidéo projection
centrale et CLAUDIO (EYE DPT) entité sacrée exhumée du
lointain Perche pour nous présenter son diaporama d'un
tout nouveau concept.
sources : site TBE et site du producteur d'Oforia
bonne année alors ! je peux gouter à ce qui aurait pu être ma méga teuf de réveillon grâce à ces vidéos : ben.. c'est pas comme si j'y étais, c'est sur ! mais bon, cela permet de sentir la bonne vibe du moment ! cool la vibe du nouvel an, je crois même que je reconnais la voix d'un pote... celui qui n'arrête pas de crier "alléééé !!!" lol
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